Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 15:24 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1322] Re: new release K-ACHAET.ZIP announced > > it's been posted in 4 uuencoded parts to the klf-list > > it's on /kosmic/songs/95/ > > no it isn't ... and neither is the last release ... what's going on here > DAN??? i want my KOSMIC dammit and i want it now! :) >perhaps something is wrong with your ftp software or something, cuz it >*is* there. Well, then, where's the fourth part in UUENCODEd form? I saw you repost part 3 twice, but no part 4.. -- : Red Horizon : "Quantity is not.. ah, hell. ----------------- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 23:20 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1331] Re: More bothersome file locating >>Again, I haven't (obviously) heard most of your other songs.. I download all >>the KLF/KFMF tracks, and that leaves little time for downloading other tunes >>with my crappy 14.4k-for-no-reason-emulating-300-baud modem.. >There sure is a reason for this. I wrote an extensive project on modems >last year and might be able to help you with that. First of all does the >other end support v32.bis? If so, you should take a close look at your >connect message. Most brands allow you to create verbose connect messages >that show DTE speed, DCE speed, compression, and error control schemes. >Then go from there. Well, I'm not sure. The connect string says: - CONNECT 14400/ARQ/V32/LAPM The initialization string is (oh, it's a USR Sportster Internal 14.4) - ATS0=0 M0E1Q0V1X4 &B1&C1&D2&H1&K1&N0 Of course, I'm dialing up a 1-800 number for my access, so.. =) -- : Red Horizon : The opinions expressed in this message do not : : necessarily reflect the opinions of a sane man. ----------------- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 23:25 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1332] Re: More bothersome file locating >Ok, here's a probably dumb question, but anyways: What the hell is >siner demo music? Does it really use sinewave samples? I don't >think so. That would have to sound much worse than FM. If it is >music that uses sinewave samples, can anybody name an example song? >Hehe, I don't believe that, sinewaves... Don't take it so literally.. most of them have a sound that's supposed to sound like a brass, or string, or something, and it ends up sounding like more like a sinewave than an instrument. Come on, you know the type. >Dan, remember the demo module I sent you a while back with 2 sine >waves as samples to demonstrate Mod4Win's 16 bit sample support? >I can't for the hell of it not imagine that any song uses these >samples. Erm, can you say "chiptunes", kiddies? -- : Red Horizon : Flange, distortion, echo.. : : bring 'em on. ----------------- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 15:23 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1321] Re: More bothersome file locating On Tue, 21 Feb 95 08:09 EET, Dan wrote: >yeah, but by and large he's correct. for every demo with a rock >soundtrack there are literally about 50 with demo-muzak or demo-techno (a >derrivitive of demo-music and techno spliced together which on occasion >is good but generally sucks :). and yet, for some reason van halen seems >to be selling alot more records than purple motion these days. go figure. One question: Who's Van Halen? =) Purple Motion wouldn't be selling much anyways since it's been a long time since he released anything new ;) >i think demo music AND demos in general are great evidence of a true >nerd-society which is quite completely out of touch with mainstream >culture and the majority of the people. if i show a friend "2nd reality" >he says "woohoo, let's go watch MTV". if i play him some kosmic or I have mixed reactions, my friends in BC were like that but here in Nova Scotia all my friends love demos! I seem to have everyone in this small town addicted to the scene =) We don't get MTV though :D:D >"eliteness" factor in the demo scene is really just a security blanket >for a bunch of modern-day nerds who can't function in the real world. ROFL! 8D8D -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 15:25 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1323] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Tue, 21 Feb 95 21:54 EET, Schitzo wrote: >also ... can we have a few more kosmic distro sites??? either they're >down, slow or DON'T HAVE THE RELEASES like there suppose to! how's a guy >suppose to enjoy himself! :) Who needs distro sites when you have your own FTP site? I end up getting KLF releases and uploading them to a local board withing 1 day anyway =) -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 15:23 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1320] Re: More bothersome file locating On Tue, 21 Feb 95 17:54 EET, Tobias Reckhard wrote: >As for the demo music thing, I dunno, that's where mods started out, but >there wasn't a demo scene at all, it seems, in the US until recently, >with the exception of Renaissance. So now that the US are breeding >musicians, they don't have as big a connection to demos 'cause there >still aren't an awful lot of those around. Imagine when tons of groups start making demos! We will have cool demos and cool music, we will finally be able to knock Europe flat on it's face =) >You sure? I have my problems with that, and I have to say, that although >I like a lot of KFMF releases, I consider some of them rather redundant.. >Which is pure personal taste, of course. However, I fail to see the >amount of variety you claim. I don't think they expect you to like every music that they release =) I don't like every music, but a lot of them are excellent. Phoenix' top 20 list came in handy! >I think that there are hardly as many European musicians on the net >because it isn't as common as in the US to have Internet access. It >seems to me like a lot more US folks have net access than here. And >the demo 'scene' seems to be very BBS-dependent, here in Europe. No kidding! Ever call Starport? It get's as many uploads as Hornet, and then some. >I still consider PM to be one of the top five musos, btw. If he would just start releasing... >Guitars just don't mod well.. I strongly dislike the trend towards >introducing guitars to mod music by sampling whole lines.. Ever listen to "Guitar Slinger"? -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 00:28 EET From: "Aaron J. Grier" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1333] Re: More bothersome file locating On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > Ok, here's a probably dumb question, but anyways: What the hell is > siner demo music? Does it really use sinewave samples? I don't > think so. That would have to sound much worse than FM. If it is > music that uses sinewave samples, can anybody name an example song? The last two songs I wrote under FT2 use sinewaves, squarewaves, noise, and everything inbetween. (Morph is cool!) > Hehe, I don't believe that, sinewaves... > > So what am I missing? Get 'um and find out. ;-) ---- The Finn / VLA Aaron J. Grier (other addresses will be forwarded to this one.) ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 00:34 EET From: "Aaron J. Grier" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1335] Re: Beegees On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Schitzo wrote: > > On Tue, 21 Feb 1995, Aaron J. Grier wrote: > > > > > Oh, umm, did I also mention that I listen to ABBA too? :-) > > > > how about some BEEGEES!!! ... love that shit! I can only take so much of guys singing in falsetto. ---- The Finn / VLA Aaron J. Grier (other addresses will be forwarded to this one.) ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 00:33 EET From: (Game Zero--Bryan/R.I.P.) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1334] coverage of KFMF songs Geeze, for all of you complaining about KFMF songs not getting any respect, I would just like to tell you guys that I personally think you guys have continualy put out great tunes. I've even gotten alot of positive feedback from my web page where I put up links to some of the groups songs. One thing, I don't know who of you have checked out my web mod contest page, but I can tell you right now, there have been no KFMF submissions, so there wouln't be any of your songs on the page next month. If anyone needs to see the rules, let me know and I'll send them to you. The deadline for this month is the 25th of Feb. Also, if you guys think what I'm doing is lame, or you've got problems with the rules, I want to hear about it. I can't make this thing work without everyones help (everyone that codes mods that is). The contest is open to the following formats: .xm, .s3m, .mtm, and .mod, basically anything CP can handle since that's what I listen to playback through. Keep it cool! Bryan aka R.I.P. or ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 00:54 EET From: (kim davies) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1337] Re: more on USENET and KFMF and, like, stuff > > Well, I just found out about a newsgroup called alt.config where you > request that a new newsgroup be formed. I'm still not sure exactly who > does what to make it happen, but if you read the messages, there are a > bunch of people requesting new groups. > If people are still interested in making a usenet group (well, if they > ever were :), maybe we should make "The Request." Errm, it's already been done. Check out when it propogates to your neck of the woods. cya, -- ,,:::[ kim davies ]:::.. ::::::[,, 3:690/660.273@fidonet ]:::::: ::::::[ statix [oxygen/kosmic] ]:::::: '':::[ 31y50'16"S 115y46'19"E ]:::`` ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 00:53 EET From: (kim davies) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1336] Re: Re Purrpurra > Actually, I'm quite sure Journeys were late '93 releases. It was mostly old > material(sp??) too. i am quite sure they were released the week after TP'93 - i.e. 1994 :) later, -- ,,:::[ kim davies ]:::.. ::::::[,, 3:690/660.273@fidonet ]:::::: ::::::[ statix [oxygen/kosmic] ]:::::: '':::[ 31y50'16"S 115y46'19"E ]:::`` ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 01:45 EET From: "J.Toon" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1338] Re: Re Purrpurra On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, kim davies wrote: > > Actually, I'm quite sure Journeys were late '93 releases. It was mostly old > > material(sp??) too. > > i am quite sure they were released the week after TP'93 - i.e. 1994 :) Actually I _think_ atleast the first Journey was released AT TP93 .. as for the other one (#3 mainly) not sure .. Skaven's music disk was released later on tho in 1994 .. (feb?) Cerulean [defi'95] ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 03:17 EET From: "Jens Puchert" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1339] Re: my "demo muzak" post In message <> you write: >>ok, what we need is a MUzaK dictionary!!! first entry ... >> >>=========================================================================== >>demo muzak (noun): music that is composed using standard personal computer >>hardware, that is stereo-typically boring, uncreative, unoriginal, but may >>be created by a very TECHNICALLY talented (european?) person. Can be >>associated with "elevator music" and distinguished by sinoidal and/or >>repetitious melody. may also be refered as "CHEESY" music. >>=========================================================================== > >sounds good to me =) > >-- >: Red Horizon : The opinions expressed in this message do not >: : necessarily reflect the opinions of a sane man. Would anybody care to list some examples, so I have a better idea what you're talking about? Jensi ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 05:00 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1340] Re: More bothersome file locating On Tue, 21 Feb 95 22:29 EET, South Street North Studios wrote: >Well, it's not JUST that... there is alot of skill required in harmonizing >trance songs.. (this IS very prevalent) .. especially in the more happy >trance rather than dark/acid trance. What exacally is "Trance"? Is it like Ambient? There are so many things you call music, I'm confused =( >material.. i don't blindly get all of the incoming/music dir on hornet >like some people, and then complain about how much of it sucks.. rather i >wait for someone to tell ME there's a good song on there.. which rarely >happens =) There is so much stuff in the /incoming/music dir, I check in there once every few days and grab any KLF or MLD releases then anything else anyone says is cool. to all: If you download a cool music from the /incoming dir on Hornet, tell everyone else se we can enjoy it too! =) >on a CD than a terrible quality module.. however, i have heard some >techno/trance/etc. on the computer that i've put on tape because i think >it's genuinely as good, if not better, than most of the crap that gets >out on commercial compilations, etc.. Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 05:06 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1341] Re: new release K-ACHAET.ZIP announced On Wed, 22 Feb 95 10:21 EET, Zyxt wrote: >I one-hundred percent whole-heartedly agree. I was about to go to bed, >and remembered "that new mod I downloaded." Wow, had to listen to it a >couple times before I went to bed. Great stuff, eh? I couldn't get to sleep last night and ended up being up until 3:30am so I listened to it a few dozen times =) -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 05:49 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1342] Re: my "demo muzak" post On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > In message <> you write: > > >>ok, what we need is a MUzaK dictionary!!! first entry ... > >> > >>=========================================================================== > >>demo muzak (noun): music that is composed using standard personal computer > >>hardware, that is stereo-typically boring, uncreative, unoriginal, but may > >>be created by a very TECHNICALLY talented (european?) person. Can be > >>associated with "elevator music" and distinguished by sinoidal and/or > >>repetitious melody. may also be refered as "CHEESY" music. > >>=========================================================================== > > > >sounds good to me =) > > > >-- > >: Red Horizon : The opinions expressed in this message do not > >: : necessarily reflect the opinions of a sane man. > > Would anybody care to list some examples, so I have a better idea what > you're talking about? > > Jensi ask dan ... he's the expert! :) ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 06:01 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1343] Re: More bothersome file locating On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Tue, 21 Feb 95 22:29 EET, > South Street North Studios wrote: > > >Well, it's not JUST that... there is alot of skill required in harmonizing > >trance songs.. (this IS very prevalent) .. especially in the more happy > >trance rather than dark/acid trance. > > What exacally is "Trance"? Is it like Ambient? There are so many things > you call music, I'm confused =( don't even bother asking ... i gave up trying to figure stuff like that out a long time ago!!! there's just too many "styles/types" of music out there and it doesn't help that it seems to overlap somewhat ... ya know .. grey areas. also it's all a matter of taste and opinion on what is to be called what. ya know what i mean? well at least i think so anyway. > >material.. i don't blindly get all of the incoming/music dir on hornet > >like some people, and then complain about how much of it sucks.. rather i > >wait for someone to tell ME there's a good song on there.. which rarely > >happens =) > > There is so much stuff in the /incoming/music dir, I check in there once > every few days and grab any KLF or MLD releases then anything else anyone > says is cool. > > to all: If you download a cool music from the /incoming dir on Hornet, tell > everyone else se we can enjoy it too! =) > i've mainly stuck with kosmic stuff strictly! cuz the fact there's so much stuff being pumped out ... too time consuming and exhausting trying to track all the stuff. sticking with kosmic gives me a constant flow of stuff to sort through with a higher percentage of keepage (is that a word? :) > >on a CD than a terrible quality module.. however, i have heard some > >techno/trance/etc. on the computer that i've put on tape because i think > >it's genuinely as good, if not better, than most of the crap that gets > >out on commercial compilations, etc.. > > Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? > welp ... he is kosmic! at least one member of it! :) ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 09:04 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1349] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Tue, 21 Feb 95 22:29 EET, > South Street North Studios wrote: > > >Well, it's not JUST that... there is alot of skill required in harmonizing > >trance songs.. (this IS very prevalent) .. especially in the more happy > >trance rather than dark/acid trance. > > What exacally is "Trance"? Is it like Ambient? There are so many things > you call music, I'm confused =( well, there's "real" trance music which is mostly middle and far-eastern music and is literally music designed to help induce hypnotic states (alot of stuff on axiom records could be considered this i guess), then there's what we're generally talking about here which is trance techno. it's somewhat like ambient, inasmuch as i could play you ambient trance songs, or trancy ambient songs, but generally a big separator between it and ambient is that where ambient usually has a distinct lack of beats, trance usually has lots of beats. imho the perfect introduction to trance are the "Secret Life of Trance" compilation series on rising high records (UK), which are also available in the us (canada too, maybe?) on instinct records sometimes under other names or with slightly different track listings. look for discs with artists like Caspar Pound, OBX, Balil, Dreamfish etc listed on them. you won't be disappointed! > There is so much stuff in the /incoming/music dir, I check in there once > every few days and grab any KLF or MLD releases then anything else anyone > says is cool. yeah. one of these days mellow-d will be told that he's supposed to release stuff under kosmic since he's in it :) > to all: If you download a cool music from the /incoming dir on Hornet, tell > everyone else se we can enjoy it too! =) good idea, i have such a hard time sorting through junk to find a few good songs these days, and i don't have the time to listen to 9000 modules oh, two things which are generally good bets for fans of kosmic techno releases are most releases from Skyjump team (SKY_*.ZIP) and the Traxx musicdisks (ie etc). Skyjump team i think is a perfect example of what I'd like to see alot more of in the scene: well organized new groups with dedication. if they stick with it i bet they could be the next kosmic (god that sounds cheezy but it's my honest feelings about it). > >techno/trance/etc. on the computer that i've put on tape because i think > >it's genuinely as good, if not better, than most of the crap that gets > >out on commercial compilations, etc.. > > Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? well, no, for basehead, because he's after all probably talking about kosmic releases by him (conceited bastard ain't he? ;).. nah, it's not illegal *as long as it's for personal use*. great examples of personal use would be: so you can listen to them in the car (hopefully you'll save the environment by leaving the engine off and just running down the battery while sitting immobile with that great sound system), so you can play them on your radio show (giving proper credit). bad bad uses would include: so you can sell copies to your friends at school, so you can open the CBS evening news with "Draw Yer Gunz 2.0" (bad idea in the first place really), and so you can send it to Atlantic records as "My Demo Tape". so the moral of the story is: pirate it but don't profit from it. - dan ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 08:15 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1344] Re: Demomuzak!=shit On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Aaron J. Grier wrote: > On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > > Aaron wrote: > > >Dan wrote: > > >> probably :) do you have norwegian ancestry? i'm gonna write a book about > > >> how genetics determine whether people have good taste in music. It's > > >> sort of a counter-attack against "the Bell Curve" :-) > > > > > >Ahh -- I'm 50% Swedish. That could explain it. Hehehe... > > > > That's even more hilarious > > Oh, umm, did I also mention that I listen to ABBA too? :-) umm, yeah, ummm.... 'don't go wasting your emotions, lay all your love on me' 'i saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes, i saw the sign' notice the connection? ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 08:39 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1347] Re: More bothersome file locating On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > I agree. What the heck did Purple Motion do to deserve the charts in '94?!? > He released Journey but it wasn't even close to a disk such as Epidemic. You've heard the phrase "resting on their laurels". Well, Future Crew take it to new extremes. I haven't seen anything remotely remarkable from them in a LONG time. It's unbelievable how many people worship them still just because of 2nd Reality, Panic etc. Personally I think that their demos have all been downhill since Fishtro, which absolutely rocked with it's imaginative theme and sense of humour. - Dan ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 08:40 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1348] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Tue, 21 Feb 95 21:54 EET, > Schitzo wrote: > > >also ... can we have a few more kosmic distro sites??? either they're > >down, slow or DON'T HAVE THE RELEASES like there suppose to! how's a guy > >suppose to enjoy himself! :) > > Who needs distro sites when you have your own FTP site? I end up getting > KLF releases and uploading them to a local board withing 1 day anyway =) I've gotta confess this is exactly my attitude and alot of the reason why i wouldn't be suprised to find half the kosmic BBS distro sites down (of course, from what i've seen the other half area really good and have 99% of our releases). i haven't called a single kosmic distro site in well over four or five months. if someone would care to foot my phone bill to do it, i'd be glad to once a month or something, but just so you know what you're getting into before someone volunteers: back before the group was on the internet i spent probably $1100 a year or so calling the distro sites to make sure new releases got out. - Dan ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 08:20 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1345] Re: more on USENET and KFMF and, like, stuff On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Zyxt wrote: > Well, I just found out about a newsgroup called alt.config where you > request that a new newsgroup be formed. I'm still not sure exactly who > does what to make it happen, but if you read the messages, there are a > bunch of people requesting new groups. > If people are still interested in making a usenet group (well, if they > ever were :), maybe we should make "The Request." > > (A group for the OJ Simpson transcripts is the biggest topic on it right > now. :-| [trial transcripts, I suppose. sheesh...] we're already working on getting up and going, and it's going to be linked to the list according to Statix (Kim Davies, the guy who is handling this :) - Dan ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 08:33 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1346] Re: More bothersome file locating On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Mon, 20 Feb 95 22:19 EET, > Dan wrote: > > >> I have seen more than one reference to Necros' song "Click" recently, and so > >> I went looking for it, and found myself sadly lacking in the skills > >> necessary to find it. If anyone knows of its location, please fill me in. > >hmm, i will try to get it and put it in his dir on the kosmic site > >(/kosmic/songs/artists/necros/) > > I'll have to check that out too. unfortunately i have yet to get it. anyone? > I'm writing an article for Imphobia on exacally that, people say the > demoscene here is almost non-existant, yet we have a huge music scene. > That is an excellent point... groovy! > >i'm really sick of not releasing anything (i've been really lazy) so i'm > >going to release all of the unreleased tunes the Hacker gave me as a > >kosmic musicdisk today/tonight, and some other releases. stay t00ned > > Alright! =) well, i reneged on this promise and released "Achaeta" instead. Judging from the many positive comments about it it wasn't a totally bad move :) The funny thing is that the main reason i didn't release it sooner is because we didn't think it was good enough. I've figured out how to handle Hacker's new music disk release though so it should be out quite soon, and it's very much worth the wait, it's got some of his best songs ever. > How many songs has Kosmic released since it's start? I'd like to write > something about you in my Article. '94 figures would be good too. i have no idea about total since it STARTED, since we were really unorganized before september of 1993 and not totally organized till jan 1994. we *probably* released over 100 in 1993, but i wouldn't bet money on it since that's just a rough guess. we released at least one a week though, i'd put some on that :) 1992 was maybe 20 releases at most i suppose. there were 125 releases in 1994 which are listed in the mlist94.klf file in KLF-XMAS.ZIP, the last listed release of 1994. that's the total 'regular' releases, discounting some songs on a few music disks (like the songs Balrog and I had on the CORE musicdisk "Sweet Flowers of Paradise" for example) etc. so far in 1995 there's been 15 releases, which frankly I've been thinking is really dismal but now that I look at the 1994 releases we only had 10 tracks released by the 20th of feb, vs 15 this year so it's good. of course, that was ten tracks between *two* musicians, and this has been 9 musicians doing 15 tracks... oh jeez, i've depressed myself again! for a group with something like 20 music-making members currently we could be doing alot better, but i guess we're doing fine. - Dan ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 17:20 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1350] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > oh, two things which are generally good bets for fans of kosmic techno > releases are most releases from Skyjump team (SKY_*.ZIP) and the Traxx > musicdisks (ie etc). Skyjump team i think is a perfect > example of what I'd like to see alot more of in the scene: well organized > new groups with dedication. if they stick with it i bet they could be the > next kosmic (god that sounds cheezy but it's my honest feelings about it). so where can i find stuff from skyjump? ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 21:45 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1353] Re: my "demo muzak" post On Wed, 22 Feb 1995 wrote: > I got the point completely.. demo muzak is usually bad, repetitive, and > often imitated so it sounds rather boring. Once it breaks these > barriers, it's no longer "demo muzak". It's good music. It doesn't > necessarily have to come from a demo, it's just the general style of > music of cheesy sine synths and blah basslines. I got the point.. now, > everyone else, that's a different story altogether =) Repetitive? You think demo music is repetitive? what the hell do you call trance and techno? basehead ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 22:00 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1354] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > > Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? > > well, no, for basehead, because he's after all probably talking about > kosmic releases by him (conceited bastard ain't he? ;).. nah, it's not =:P~ Actually i don't have any of my songs on tape.. i get so sick of hearing them while i make them, i usually just throw 'em in a zip file and let 'em rot on my HD =) basehead ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 23:26 EET From: (Game Zero--Bryan/R.I.P.) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1355] Re: More bothersome file locating > >> You've heard the phrase "resting on their laurels". Well, Future Crew >> take it to new extremes. I haven't seen anything remotely remarkable from >> them in a LONG time. It's unbelievable how many people worship them still >> just because of 2nd Reality, Panic etc. Personally I think that their >> demos have all been downhill since Fishtro, which absolutely rocked with >> it's imaginative theme and sense of humour. >I guess they're doing some games for SSI.. I saw demo shots of 4 upcoming >SSI games (as of Spring '94) that said they were done by Future Crew. The word is they're _probably_ gonna enter a demo in ass'95. > >They're demos haven't gone downhill.. look at Soppa, it rocks! :) >From what I've heard, most of the group are either serving in the military, or are about to serve in the military, and that this is a big part of what has slown things down. Bryan aka R.I.P. ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 18:02 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1351] Re: More bothersome file locating > You've heard the phrase "resting on their laurels". Well, Future Crew > take it to new extremes. I haven't seen anything remotely remarkable from > them in a LONG time. It's unbelievable how many people worship them still > just because of 2nd Reality, Panic etc. Personally I think that their > demos have all been downhill since Fishtro, which absolutely rocked with > it's imaginative theme and sense of humour. > > - Dan I guess they're doing some games for SSI.. I saw demo shots of 4 upcoming SSI games (as of Spring '94) that said they were done by Future Crew. The word is they're _probably_ gonna enter a demo in ass'95. They're demos haven't gone downhill.. look at Soppa, it rocks! :) - andy v. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:14 EET From: Zyxt Subject: [KLF-TALK:1358] Re: more on USENET and KFMF and, like, stuff > > we're already working on getting up and going, and it's > going to be linked to the list according to Statix (Kim Davies, the guy > who is handling this :) > Does this mean that everything posted to this list will also be transferred to the newsgroup? That would be great (then I could take some load off of our mail server :). ______________________________________________________________________________ \|/ Joe - - >>--- o O ----> Dude, that time, | use the door. --- ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:09 EET From: "J.Toon" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1357] Re: More bothersome file locating > so where can i find stuff from skyjump? I found some of their tracks on hornet in /demos/music/s3m sky*.zip .. I am pretty sure inside all of their files they have a listing of dist sites they upload to, and I BELIEVE they are the group that has with all releases, not sure of the directory tho .. hope this helps .. Cerulean [defi'95] ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:20 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1359] Re: More bothersome file locating >>on a CD than a terrible quality module.. however, i have heard some >>techno/trance/etc. on the computer that i've put on tape because i think >>it's genuinely as good, if not better, than most of the crap that gets >>out on commercial compilations, etc.. >Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? Okay -- I confess. I've been breaking the copyright.. in a way. You see, I dj at some local raves and on WLVR on occasion.. I had 3 vinyl copies of the following songs pressed. Mind you, I'm not distributing these in any way, just so more people than the techno-cyber-freaks can hear this quality music. LP 1-- Side One Basehead: "Chiba City Lights" Mental Floss: "White Sands" (not the junglist version) Side Two Maelcum: "Amplificator" Maelcum: "Sindication" Necros: "Arcadia" (without the parody of "Show Me Love") LP 2--same as LP1, only for dual mixing LP 3-- Side One The Hacker: "BothSidesOfTheM00N" Phoenix: "Braindead" Side Two IQ: "Return Of Litmus" Maelcum: "Here It Is" Krystall: "Space Track" Phoenix: "Enough Is Not Enough" Sorry for the inconvienence it might have caused you, but you should understand.. you should hear the crowd when I drop "Arcadia" on the tables. =) And, no, I'm NOT going to sell them. Only play them. -- : Red Horizon : "High quantity is not an excuse for low quality." : : -Anonymous ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:25 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1360] Re: More bothersome file locating >so far in 1995 there's been 15 releases, which frankly I've been thinking >is really dismal but now that I look at the 1994 releases we only had 10 >tracks released by the 20th of feb, vs 15 this year so it's good. of >course, that was ten tracks between *two* musicians, and this has been 9 >musicians doing 15 tracks... oh jeez, i've depressed myself again! >for a group with something like 20 music-making members currently we >could be doing alot better, but i guess we're doing fine. Well, if I was a part of Kosmic, right now I'd be releasing about 7 in a row.. I have so many songs that I haven't released so far (no, not quite as many as yours =) ) but since I'm not with DEP anymore, I don't want to release them as an individual. -- : Red Horizon : Knowledge is NOT power.. : : is. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:30 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1361] Re: More bothersome file locating >imho the perfect introduction to trance are the "Secret Life of Trance" >compilation series on rising high records (UK), which are also available >in the us (canada too, maybe?) on instinct records sometimes under other >names or with slightly different track listings. look for discs with >artists like Caspar Pound, OBX, Balil, Dreamfish etc listed on them. you >won't be disappointed! Instinct doesn't carry Rising High anymore. They have Fax Records. Now, if you want the stuff from Rising High Productions, look for it on the label of Planet Earth Recordings. They have already released volumes 1 and 2, and more coming soon -- the best so far is #4. Did I ever tell you that trance and ambient is like a religion to me? ....=) -- : Red Horizon : Flange, distortion, echo.. : : ..bring 'em on. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:36 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1363] Re: my "demo muzak" post >Repetitive? You think demo music is repetitive? what the hell do you call >trance and techno? Erm, I call it trance and techno. Okay.. let me point this out here. You are familiar with analogies, right? Here's an analogy for ya Bad Demo Music <==> 2 Unlimited, AB Logic, that stuff Good Demo Music <==> Seefeel, Banco De Gaia, Orbital Of course, Dan'll rip my head off for saying "good demo music". So far, only three people have given me good demo-style music. You (i found some!), Khyron, and C.C.Catch. Please, no more. I'm sick of this discussion. -- : Red Horizon : "High quantity is not an excuse for low quality." : : -Anonymous ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 00:36 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1362] Re: my "demo muzak" post >Would anybody care to list some examples, so I have a better idea what >you're talking about? Okay.. hold on. The music from Sonic-PC's "Delusion" demo Tranze Seven (i forget who did it) The Story So Far by Edge Strange by Jazz These are some of the ones I currently have on my drive. They'll be toast by tomorrow morning. =) -- : Red Horizon : "High quantity does not make up for low quality." : : -Anonymous ----------------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 19:37 EET From: Chng Ching Huei Subject: [KLF-TALK:1352] Re: More bothersome file locating On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Hussam Eassa wrote: > Not all MIDI is elevator music:-) If you are interested, send me e-mail > and I'll uuencode and send you a few MIDs that'll knock your socks off :-) Well, I like MIDI music too and I have a wavetable synthesis card. Do you have a huge collection of MIDI files? Why not mail me some samples. Thanks, Benedict Chng Email: ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 15:04 EET From: Mikael Kjellstrom Subject: [KLF-TALK:1384] Re: More bothersome file locating On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Hussam Eassa wrote: > > > On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Schitzo wrote: > > > that it does ... PLUS it plays midi files through sb/pro/16 using the > > GUS's patch set a la MOD style! that's if anyone is interested in > > "elevator music"! :) > > Not all MIDI is elevator music:-) If you are interested, send me e-mail > and I'll uuencode and send you a few MIDs that'll knock your socks off :-) > -- > ======================== > Sam > > ======================== > > ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 20:39 EET From: Tom Robbs Subject: [KLF-TALK:1396] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Thu, 23 Feb 1995 wrote: > Oh -- on Achaeta -- no offense to everyone (especially Krys and Mael), but > I don't see what's so special about this song. Sure, it's good, but IMHO, > nothing to go muy loco en la cabeza over. Maybe I just need to listen to > it a few more times.. Did anyone else find that with Celestial Lullabye that it has like 4 min of space left at the end when played with Mod4Win? My friend was playing it on his computer and it got down to like -4:32 (somewhere around there) and then it was just silence for the remainder of the song. The pattern stayed at 117 though... Jensi? Thanks. Tom ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 21:22 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1398] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chng Ching Huei wrote: > Any idea whether the next release of MOD4Win will support .XM format? > I think skyjump's music is XM format if I'm not wrong. dunno, the songs i got of his are all .s3m - Dan ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 22:01 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1399] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Tom Robbs wrote: > Did anyone else find that with Celestial Lullabye that it has like 4 min > of space left at the end when played with Mod4Win? My friend was playing > it on his computer and it got down to like -4:32 (somewhere around there) > and then it was just silence for the remainder of the song. The pattern > stayed at 117 though... Yeah, i just set the beginning of order 117 to a really slow speed, so the song doesn't loop (people will know for sure that it's over) i just used AFF (255) as a speed setting, cuz.. bah, i dunnno why, i don't really care.. i've done it in alot of songs =) peace basehead ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:19 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1388] Re: last two kosmic releases ... i must of missed this sucker cuz i'm replying to a reply! :) On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Thu, 23 Feb 95 23:59 EET, > wrote: > > >Same here.. or you can subscribe to KLF-LIST (which I do) and get them > >before they hit the FTP sites.. > > My mailer sucks with uuencodes with more than 1 chunk, I wish they would > send the whole song in one UUENCODE! Real men don't use 64k segments ;-) > > >One local board I call has every 1995 KFMF release with the exception of > >Celestial Lullabye and Achaeta. Guess who uploaded them all? =) > > :D:D Hey i've ul'd ALL of kosmics releases for '94 in ONE NIGHT to a local bbs here! ... plus i've ul'd all of '95 everytime i get a new release! :) > >Oh -- on Achaeta -- no offense to everyone (especially Krys and Mael), but > >I don't see what's so special about this song. Sure, it's good, but IMHO, > >nothing to go muy loco en la cabeza over. Maybe I just need to listen to > >it a few more times.. > > Tastes differ, I love it! hey just needs to CRANK IT UP LOUDER!!! >D ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:20 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1389] Re: new release K-VISION.ZIP announced On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > K-VISION.ZIP on > /kosmic/songs/95/ > > *a re-release of a song originally found in the KLF-XMAS.ZIP compilation. is this remixed or is it IDENTICAL to the version in klf-xmas? if i have this already then there's no need to get it. ah, what the hell, i'll get it anyway since i've gotten EVERY other release. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 16:42 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1385] Re: my "demo muzak" post On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > On Fri, 24 Feb 1995 wrote: > > > Of course, Dan'll rip my head off for saying "good demo music". So far, > > only three people have given me good demo-style music. You (i found some!), > > Khyron, and C.C.Catch. > > no! there IS good "demo-style music"! but it's not really 'demo-muzak' in > my sense of the word, it's just good music :) > > - Dan Dan, the WHOLE problem was due to the fact that you had to use "DEMO-MUZAK" as the term for your opinion of bad music ... STOP REFERING IT AS THAT and everything will be ok! :) how's about you make up a new terminology for it? ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:12 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1386] Re: More bothersome file locating On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > Tell me about it, I didn't even know what Alternitive was until a few > months ago. yeah and you STILL can't spell it! :) hehehe > >i've mainly stuck with kosmic stuff strictly! cuz the fact there's so > >much stuff being pumped out ... too time consuming and exhausting trying > >to track all the stuff. sticking with kosmic gives me a constant flow of > >stuff to sort through with a higher percentage of keepage (is that a word? > > It is now =) yeah, I usually get a tracker file every day. Depends on what > comes out. > > >> Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? > >welp ... he is kosmic! at least one member of it! :) > > Does that mean if I join Microsoft I can copy all the programs of theirs I > want? sure ... of course ya can ... just don't get caught!!! :) also wouldn't hurt if you wrote the programs yourself. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:20 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1390] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chng Ching Huei wrote: > On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Schitzo wrote: > > > > so where can i find stuff from skyjump? > > > > Any idea whether the next release of MOD4Win will support .XM format? > I think skyjump's music is XM format if I'm not wrong. nope they were in s3m format ... i think, well not xm for sure! use cubic, seems to be doing a great job on EVERYTHING! except it still gets kill like iplay with m00n ... what gives with that track anyway??? ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:21 EET From: Tim Van Holder Subject: [KLF-TALK:1391] Re: new release K-VISION.ZIP announced > The Kosmic Free Music Foundation presents > "Vision of Shattered Dreams" > a classical song composed by Mental FLoss (floss) of Kosmic > in 8-track Scream Tracker 3 (S3M) format > 5 minutes and 25 seconds long, 125 bpm > released February 23th, 1995 > > *a re-release of a song originally found in the KLF-XMAS.ZIP compilation. > This is one of my current favorites! To all who haven't got it: Download it! NOW! ________________________________ __________________________________________ |Tim Van Holder |'Ask not what your server can do for you, | | also unknown as Zastai | but what you can do for your server!' | | | -- Adapted from the great JFK | |University of Antwerp, Belgium | ++ BTW, BJORK IS GOD ++ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:22 EET From: Tim Van Holder Subject: [KLF-TALK:1392] One UUEncode please! > My mailer sucks with uuencodes with more than 1 chunk, I wish they would > send the whole song in one UUENCODE! Real men don't use 64k segments ;-) I agree 100%! I unsubscribed myself from KLF-LIST because I found it easier to just download them than to try and get them UUDecoded... (man pages suck! :( ) ________________________________ __________________________________________ |Tim Van Holder |'Ask not what your server can do for you, | | also unknown as Zastai | but what you can do for your server!' | | | -- Adapted from the great JFK | |University of Antwerp, Belgium | ++ BTW, BJORK IS GOD ++ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:28 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1393] looky what i found! :) look i found a release that hasn't been announced yet! while i went to go pick up vision :) hope ya don't mind dan ... couldn't resist! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Kosmic Free Music Foundation presents "Dust To Dust" a mellow rock song composed by Leviathan of Kosmic in 16-track Scream Tracker 3 (S3M) format 3 minutes and 40 seconds long, 125 bpm released February 24th, 1995 file problems? email for further info on the KFMF read the included KOSMIC.NFO text file. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 20:01 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1395] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > > > I found nothing in that dir. > > yeah, i know, i have to get after everyone to put their other releases > into their artists dirs. welp those directories have been pretty empty for quite some time now, guess it's time to get a move on! :) > i was going to fill out a voting form but when i read the incredibly > stupid rules for it (can't vote for anyone in your group, etc) i gave up. > my top ten favorite pc musicians *are* my group, what am i supposed to > do, put in guys who to me rank about 26th place or so as #1? it's a bit > of a joke. don't worry dan, we'll do the voting for kosmic ... RIGHT GANG!!! > might as well see how everyone here feels: what kind of music do you guys > want to hear? how's about some reggae and calypso??? anyone out there have any mods like that? or how's about good old funk! anyway dan, just keep doing whatcha like, don't worry too much about what we want cuz it's you who have to enjoy whatcha doing. anyway, your my highest percentage artist so you must be doing something right, or maybe you just dish out SO MUCH!!! > > > Who's Hacker? > > the hacker of kosmic. author of m00n_klf.mtm and many other songs. he's > got one of the most original styles around. yeah the killer mod that kills inertia and now cubic!!! l8's ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 01:11 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1408] Re: More bothersome file locating >> Any idea whether the next release of MOD4Win will support .XM format? >> I think skyjump's music is XM format if I'm not wrong. > >nope they were in s3m format ... i think, well not xm for sure! use >cubic, seems to be doing a great job on EVERYTHING! except it still gets >kill like iplay with m00n ... what gives with that track anyway??? The only ones that we were talking about that are in XM are some of the TRAXX/Pure releases. Just got TRAXX39.. it's kicking like a fried chicken. As for m00n_klf.mtm, DMP does play it fine, as long as you use the -b switch with it. Of course, it butchers the sound quality on a GUS, or so I've heard. -- : Red Horizon : The opinions expressed in this message do not : : necessarily reflect the opinions of a sane man. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 22:59 EET From: "Jens Puchert" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1400] Re: last two kosmic releases ... In message you w rite: >On Thu, 23 Feb 1995 wrote: > >> Oh -- on Achaeta -- no offense to everyone (especially Krys and Mael), but >> I don't see what's so special about this song. Sure, it's good, but IMHO, >> nothing to go muy loco en la cabeza over. Maybe I just need to listen to >> it a few more times.. > >Did anyone else find that with Celestial Lullabye that it has like 4 min >of space left at the end when played with Mod4Win? My friend was playing >it on his computer and it got down to like -4:32 (somewhere around there) >and then it was just silence for the remainder of the song. The pattern >stayed at 117 though... > >Jensi? Yeah, well, that's our basehead ;-) I guess this is the new kewlness (or was it c00lness?) factor in module composing. He just fills up the last pattern with speed 255 and a lot of loops and enjoys the silence at the end of his songs. One of his songs on the EGG2 disk has 20 min of music followed by 85 min of silence in one pattern. Why? I don't know. Gotta ask him. Maybe I should write a smart empty last pattern detector :-) but then basehead would probably be very angry with me that the significant silence at the end of his songs is missing. Oh well... >Thanks. > >Tom Jensi ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 23:19 EET From: "James R. Cooney" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1401] BPM How do you k=know how many BPM your songs have? is there some sort of utility? Let me know. the wAtchman ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 20:54 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1397] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Thu, 23 Feb 95 23:59 EET, > wrote: > > >Same here.. or you can subscribe to KLF-LIST (which I do) and get them > >before they hit the FTP sites.. > > My mailer sucks with uuencodes with more than 1 chunk, I wish they would > send the whole song in one UUENCODE! Real men don't use 64k segments ;-) if Kim would set up an extra klf-list type list for this purpose, I'll be glad to do it. Then everyone can have their choice of regular or extra crisp... err segments or whole file uuencoding. > Tastes differ, I love it! :) - Dan ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:12 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1387] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > In message <> you write: > >>> Isn't that against Kosmic's "copyright"? > >>welp ... he is kosmic! at least one member of it! :) > > > >Does that mean if I join Microsoft I can copy all the programs of theirs I > >want? > > Hehe, I bet you get 'em cheaper though ;-) of course ... they only give you a 200% mark up of market value! :) ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 02:10 EET From: (Joshua S. Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1409] Cubic Player > On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chng Ching Huei wrote: > > > On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Schitzo wrote: > > > > > > so where can i find stuff from skyjump? > > > > > > > Any idea whether the next release of MOD4Win will support .XM format? > > I think skyjump's music is XM format if I'm not wrong. > > nope they were in s3m format ... i think, well not xm for sure! use > cubic, seems to be doing a great job on EVERYTHING! except it still gets > kill like iplay with m00n ... what gives with that track anyway??? Actually I noticed a number of play errors on XM files in Cubic. I think it generally doesn't hold the notes as long as it should. There were some minor S3M problems as well. -josh ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 02:10 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1410] Re: BPM >How do you know how many BPM your songs have? is there some sort of >utility? >Let me know. > >the wAtchman > Normally, you set it using a command (Txx in ScreamTracker, not sure about the others, though). For example. T7D is actually 125 bpm, because 7D is 125 in hex. Of course, the speed has to be set to 6 for it to be true. I keep finding a lot of songs switching to 5 or 4 speed, and then it's not quite right BPM. -- screw the fancy .sig. RH. ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 02:20 EET From: (Joshua S. Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1411] re: last 2 kosmic releases My mailer sucks, so Jensi wrote this stuff: > > In message you w > rite: > > >Did anyone else find that with Celestial Lullabye that it has like 4 min > >of space left at the end when played with Mod4Win? My friend was playing > > Yeah, well, that's our basehead ;-) I guess this is the new kewlness (or was > it c00lness?) factor in module composing. He just fills up the last pattern > with speed 255 and a lot of loops and enjoys the silence at the end of his Why not just set the dang thing to speed 0? No looping that way. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 23:44 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1404] new release K-VISION.ZIP announced Hey. Where's the first part? This time I just got the second part on KLF-LIST. -- screw the fancy .sig. RH. ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 02:40 EET From: (Daniel Di Vita) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1412] Original Tunes Is it possible to upload a tune that I have written? I know this is a KOSMIC list. I was wondering if you people would mind. If I can't it's no big deal. Later Daniel ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 20:00 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1394] Re: More bothersome file locating > What's Soppa? > A demo? > Where can I get it. > A 64k intro by Future Crew released but not entered at ASM '94. "Soppa" is Finnish for "soup". You can get it at /demos/groups/future.crew/soppa.? -av (phoenix/kosmic) ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 23:44 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1405] Re: last two kosmic releases ... >hehe, no personally i think you're right, which is why it didn't get >released for a few months. i think maybe it's popular cuz it's sort of >like the older KLF stuff. i've been getting back into rave music lately >too so it won't be the last 'true techno' track you hear from us :) Well, not that.. I like a lot of the old junk. A local BBS carried a bunch of the old mods and nothing after mid-93. Bizarre, Sindication, Kaos, Chaemel, Crazee Fools.. but Achaeta really didn't sound all that special. Most people here made it out like it was something totally revolutionary.. I didn't think that at all. I have no problem with rave.. I loved "Calling Heaven". =) -- screw the fancy .sig. RH. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 23:19 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1402] Re: More bothersome file locating >>Of course, I'm dialing up a 1-800 number for my access, so.. =) > >Is the access free of charge? No.. it's Internet In A Box. I can't find a local access number, so I use the 800 number. It costs like $8.95 an hour for Web access, but E-Mail & Usenet is free. -- : Red Horizon : Music is not just an aural experience. : : It IS a religion with many followers. ----------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 23:20 EET From: rhorizon@InterServ.Com Subject: [KLF-TALK:1403] Re: more on USENET and KFMF and, like, stuff >>Errm, it's already been done. Check out when it propogates >>to your neck of the woods. Sorry, this isn't to you, Chris. Do you actually have to write to get a subscription to that newsgroup? We currently don't carry it.. and sup- posedly we get every newsgroup there is. -- Screw the fancy .sig. RH. ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 04:52 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1414] Re: BPM > > How do you k=know how many BPM your songs have? is there some sort of > utility? > Let me know. Yes. Give "TYPE FILE_ID.DIZ" a try, should work :) > > the wAtchman > > -av (phoenix/kosmic) ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 00:05 EET From: (Joshua S. Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1407] The silly thread I started drags on :) A while a go, Maelcum wrote: > On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > > Do you read Imphobia? > > i was going to fill out a voting form but when i read the incredibly > stupid rules for it (can't vote for anyone in your group, etc) i gave up. > my top ten favorite pc musicians *are* my group, what am i supposed to > do, put in guys who to me rank about 26th place or so as #1? it's a bit > of a joke. Well for most people, it sort of makes sense since most poeple are going to be pretty biased about this sort of thing. You're rather a special case what with trying to get all your favourite musicians into your group and SUCCEEDING.. I don't think most people have grabbed like 20 of the best people in their field :). > it's quite funny that we're almost unknown in the place where the scene > is supposed to be so great, yet we're well known in other places where > they barely know what demos are. go figure. Hmmm... Maybe Kosmic isn't "demo scene"? I think of that as a good sign for music. > > Wasn't good enough? It's one of the best KLF releases yet! =) > > *maybe* of this year, but certainly not compared to last year's releases. > imo our releases up to this point of last year were higher in overall > quality, but i dunno. i like the music i'm doing now better than the > stuff i was doing then, but it seems that really people are interested in > more of that same stuff and not anything different. As for me, I didn't keep a lot of the releases from the biginning of last year. I mostly was just impressed by the _number_ of releases, though I found many of them un-appealing. I may have grown a taste for it all by now, though.. > might as well see how everyone here feels: what kind of music do you guys > want to hear? Anything and everything, so long as you all stay away from the plastic. Do more techno if you want. I like the industrial stuff. Ambient is great.. or just branch out and make whatever you feel like with no goal.. Kosmic's ability and versatility are what got me listening, not because it was a type of music I was looking for at all. (In fact, I rather didn't like it at first :-0 (shocking!) ) -josh ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 05:21 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1417] re: last 2 kosmic releases > Why not just set the dang thing to speed 0? No looping that way. > I think some players will crap out if you do that; DMP comes to mind. -av (phoenix/kosmic) ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 00:04 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1406] Re: BPM On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, James R. Cooney wrote: > How do you k=know how many BPM your songs have? is there some sort of > utility? > Let me know. well, it's super-easy with any tracker music. when you make it you are setting the BPM with a speed command (usually something like f9f, which if i recall is 159 in hexadecimal). all the good players will tell you the bpm of the song also. - Dan ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 03:09 EET From: "Steven M. Hill" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1413] Re: Original Tunes > > Is it possible to upload a tune that I have written? I know this is a > KOSMIC list. I was wondering if you people would mind. If I can't it's > no big deal. Later > > > Daniel > Why not post it to the ftp site at hornet ( in /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/music.. Many people from this list also check this site out. Steve thekraken ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:22 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1419] Re: more on USENET and KFMF and, like, stuff On Fri, 24 Feb 95 11:03 EET, kim davies wrote: >* was created at my site,, four days ago. > news distribution is not the fastest to the US from here. I bet, news can be queer! Some messages are written within the last day, and some of them are week old. >* once it reaches, the listserver, will gate posts > to it, but not vice versa. That is quite lame... >* ideally, once the newsgroup takes off the listserver will become > reduntant for discussion. I like the "personal" feel and up to date messages the listsever gives us. >* anyone who doesn't have access to news, there are listservers > that let you subscribe to newsgroups. functionally this should > be pretty similar to the current list. Where are these listservers? That would be cool! -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:23 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1421] Re: new release K-VISION.ZIP announced On Fri, 24 Feb 95 06:54 EET, Dan wrote: > The Kosmic Free Music Foundation presents > "Vision of Shattered Dreams" > a classical song composed by Mental FLoss (floss) of Kosmic > in 8-track Scream Tracker 3 (S3M) format > 5 minutes and 25 seconds long, 125 bpm > released February 23th, 1995 >*a re-release of a song originally found in the KLF-XMAS.ZIP compilation. Any reason why you decided to put it out twice? I really like that song. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:52 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1430] Re: new release K-VISION.ZIP announced On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Schitzo wrote: > > On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > > > K-VISION.ZIP on > > /kosmic/songs/95/ > > > > *a re-release of a song originally found in the KLF-XMAS.ZIP compilation. > > is this remixed or is it IDENTICAL to the version in klf-xmas? if i have > this already then there's no need to get it. ah, what the hell, i'll get > it anyway since i've gotten EVERY other release. it's identical. it was released by floss because we didn't seem to get much feedback from the klf-xmas release (i think alot of people were at home and away from their pcs at the time) and it was flosses' first release. it's a great song too :) - Dan ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 07:17 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1431] Re: looky what i found! :) On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Schitzo wrote: > > look i found a release that hasn't been announced yet! while i went to > go pick up vision :) hope ya don't mind dan ... couldn't resist! no, thanks. i just hadn't had a chance to announce it yet. i'll post it to the klf-list asap and it's available on /kosmic/songs/95 and on too. filename is > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > The Kosmic Free Music Foundation presents > "Dust To Dust" > a mellow rock song composed by Leviathan of Kosmic > in 16-track Scream Tracker 3 (S3M) format > 3 minutes and 40 seconds long, 125 bpm > released February 24th, 1995 > > file problems? email > > for further info on the KFMF read the included KOSMIC.NFO text file. > > ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 05:01 EET From: Nathan Ekwarin Subject: [KLF-TALK:1416] Re: Cubic Player > > Actually I noticed a number of play errors on XM files in Cubic. I think it > generally doesn't hold the notes as long as it should. There were some > minor S3M problems as well. What version of Cubic Player do you have?? I have v0.95, and it seems to work fine with all my mods, including XMs! -- CaND-iCe / Moon Blade [] ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 05:01 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1415] Re: Original Tunes > > Is it possible to upload a tune that I have written? I know this is a > KOSMIC list. I was wondering if you people would mind. If I can't it's > no big deal. Later > /demos/incoming/music is a _much_ better place to upload music. -av (phoenix/kosmic) ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 08:13 EET From: (Josh Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1433] re: last 2 kosmic releases > >> Why not just set the dang thing to speed 0? No looping that way. >> > >I think some players will crap out if you do that; DMP comes to mind. If they use DMP.. then screw 'em, I say. :) -- Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. Be a happy Alpha Complex citizen. ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 08:12 EET From: "Jens Puchert" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1432] re: last 2 kosmic releases In message <> you write: > >> Why not just set the dang thing to speed 0? No looping that way. >> > >I think some players will crap out if you do that; DMP comes to mind. > >-av (phoenix/kosmic) Why worry about looping in the first place? It really screws up players that support playlists, then the listener has to intervene to prevent 80 or 20 or 5 or whatever minutes of silence. Even players like DMP or Inertia can be set NOT to loop, so why is it of such big concern to trail the song with a lot of silence? And if you must do it, why not 5 seconds instead of 5 minutes? Jensi ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 08:42 EET From: (STIMPY) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1435] Re: More bothersome file locating -> day weren't creative? Romeo Knight? Heatbeat? These are some of the ^^^^^^^^ -> most breakthrough and original musicians that i've EVER heard.. on or -> off the computer. You speak of the new RIP OFF shit which bites hard -> off of the old school musicians.. that shit sucks. Speaking of which, anyone know where Heatbeat's work can be located? I currently have Annika, Anette, StreetJungle, and Bubblegum. This is good stuff; I assume he's written more. Filenames and FTP sites would be great (naturally). Anyway, as far as what's "good music" and what's "crap," there's no such thing. I like some demo music, but dislike other demo music. I like some rock, dislike others. I like some ambiance, dislike others. There's no one "good" type of music. If it sounds good to you, then that's all that matters. There's no sense wasting bandwidth just to say "This music is c00l and your music is lame." Opinions are great, flaming opinions is close-minded and disrespectful. If you don't like what I have to say, then piss off. :-) Jason Brunette ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:22 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1418] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 95 07:52 EET, Chng Ching Huei wrote: >What's Soppa? >A demo? No it's just a really shitty intro. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 08:52 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1436] re: last 2 kosmic releases On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, Joshua S. Rodman wrote: > > Yeah, well, that's our basehead ;-) I guess this is the new kewlness (or was > > it c00lness?) factor in module composing. He just fills up the last pattern > > with speed 255 and a lot of loops and enjoys the silence at the end of his > > Why not just set the dang thing to speed 0? No looping that way. What fun is that? =) basehead ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 08:57 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1437] Re: BPM On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, Dan wrote: > well, it's super-easy with any tracker music. when you make it you are > setting the BPM with a speed command (usually something like f9f, which > if i recall is 159 in hexadecimal). all the good players will tell you > the bpm of the song also. > > - Dan Big prob here, is when you have a speed 5 tempo 125 song, the tune is actually something like 138-140.. so it's not really accurate unless the speed is 6.. basehead ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:23 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1420] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Fri, 24 Feb 95 06:17 EET, Dan wrote: >hehe, no personally i think you're right, which is why it didn't get >released for a few months. i think maybe it's popular cuz it's sort of >like the older KLF stuff. i've been getting back into rave music lately >too so it won't be the last 'true techno' track you hear from us :) Sounds cool! Before I said I didn't like techno but there ARE different types of techno, and I do like some songs, Achetea being one of them. Keep of the composing, and remember you have tons of fans that want to meet you at NAiD. -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:24 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1423] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 95 20:01 EET, Schitzo wrote: >welp those directories have been pretty empty for quite some time now, >guess it's time to get a move on! :) Right! >don't worry dan, we'll do the voting for kosmic ... RIGHT GANG!!! I sure will, my sysop set up the Imphobia vote door on the local BBS =) -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:24 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1422] Re: More bothersome file locating On Fri, 24 Feb 95 12:50 EET, Dan wrote: >> I found nothing in that dir. >yeah, i know, i have to get after everyone to put their other releases >into their artists dirs. Can't you just include links like Hornet does in the /demos/groups directory? >> Do you read Imphobia? >some, although quite frankly after just reading issue #9 i think >phoenixes' glowing review of it in demonews ignored the huge flaw in it; >there was no real content. the interviews were all with people who i have Hmm, I found it has the most content of any other mags released lately. I did enjoy reading it and I'm not even done, I hope like hell Darkness accepts me into the team. >either never heard of or who don't really have much to say that's worth >listening to, the "articles" section was pretty crap, just a bunch of >stuff you might see in classifieds in a print newspaper. once again i'll I did like some of the articles, and a loved the music. >stand by my position that the european demo guys really don't know what's >going on (mentioning in a note about basehead joining imphobia that KLF They sure can make good demos! >i'm beginning to think the reason the european demo scene disgusts me so >much is because it smells alot like the warez scene. as i also said in a >previous post, it seems like a bunch of out of touch technical geeks. I hate the warez scene! They are all elitists! It's so annoying they all think they are so "eLiTe" that they loose touch of the real world! I'm sure everyone has traded games with their friend but these "I've got tons more SiTeZ than u dood, you un-elite lamah" type people sicken me. >i was going to fill out a voting form but when i read the incredibly >stupid rules for it (can't vote for anyone in your group, etc) i gave up. >my top ten favorite pc musicians *are* my group, what am i supposed to >do, put in guys who to me rank about 26th place or so as #1? it's a bit >of a joke. Well I'll be voting for you on the next charts. >it's also easy to see why the charts reflect north america's scene very >little too - i think there were 3 people from this continent who voted Why don't we change that? =) I'll put out the call on >out of 106 people. also, in a bit of a strange thing, scandanavia is one >of the spots in which most US groups (particularly Kosmic) have very >little representation. we don't even have a distro site there anymore. But you have an FTP site, that means the whole world can access your ware. distro sites don't mean a whole lot to me at least, in a town with 5000 people and a few small boards... >it's quite funny that we're almost unknown in the place where the scene >is supposed to be so great, yet we're well known in other places where >they barely know what demos are. go figure. A lot of people around here are interested in demos, a local board get's more uploads in the demoscene area than anywhere else, since we got internet access lots has changed. >> Wasn't good enough? It's one of the best KLF releases yet! =) >*maybe* of this year, but certainly not compared to last year's releases. >imo our releases up to this point of last year were higher in overall >quality, but i dunno. i like the music i'm doing now better than the >stuff i was doing then, but it seems that really people are interested in >more of that same stuff and not anything different. When I had my SB/PRO I downloaded this 28 channel techno song and it said by: KLF on it and I said "this is shit" and nooked it. Thought nothing of it until I got on the 'net. I heard mention of KLF and thought "oh that crappy techno group?!? Blech!" But then I downloaded your KLF-XMAS.ZIP file and I was amazed! This isn't just techno, it's some of best music I have heard. >might as well see how everyone here feels: what kind of music do you guys >want to hear? I like almost all music except real heavy metal. I especialy really like Mellow or anything you feel like getting up and dancing to if you know what I mean? -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 06:25 EET From: "Chris Campbell" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1424] Re: More bothersome file locating On Sat, 25 Feb 95 01:11 EET, rhorizon@InterServ.Com wrote: >The only ones that we were talking about that are in XM are some of the >TRAXX/Pure releases. Just got TRAXX39.. it's kicking like a fried >chicken. Does that mean it's good or it's bad? =) -- Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia / Canada "There's coffee in that nebula" - Janeway, ST Voyager ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 09:29 EET From: (Kurt Roithinger) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1439] re: last 2 kosmic releases > >On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, Joshua S. Rodman wrote: > >> > Yeah, well, that's our basehead ;-) I guess this is the new kewlness (or was >> > it c00lness?) factor in module composing. He just fills up the last pattern >> > with speed 255 and a lot of loops and enjoys the silence at the end of his >> >> Why not just set the dang thing to speed 0? No looping that way. > > >What fun is that? =) indeed! funny story here... my friend comes home from a hard days work, grabs my rolling paper and rolls himself up something that smells awfully funky (no comment) and ask me whats palying on the 'puter. "something i just grabed from the kosmic WWW site. brand new track..." i say. i get the standard 'cool, whatever' response. so i shuffle off to the kitchen and start dinner. i poke my head back in a while later and he is sitting in front of my machine looking entranced. the player is still playing - some two minutes to go. no sound is to be heard. he looks at me and points at the screen and says "now this is seriously cool..." so blank airtime on a mod has at least one fan (mind altered and all...) -kfr- -------- fear, fear, fear... ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 09:29 EET From: (Josh Rodman) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1440] Re: Cubic Player >> >> Actually I noticed a number of play errors on XM files in Cubic. I think it >> generally doesn't hold the notes as long as it should. There were some >> minor S3M problems as well. > >What version of Cubic Player do you have?? I have v0.95, and it seems to >work fine with all my mods, including XMs! Well I'm sorry but you're not listening closely enough. I too have .95 and I quite clearly have problems with note length with songs like Make Me Better by Mellow-D, and in Untitled and Unleashed by Khyron.. many of the chords sound poor due to nasty reproduction. It is also possible that you have a different sound card. I have a GUS, if you have something different, that might explain things as the GUS support has just been added. BTW, why the heck is that goofy programmer using DOS4GW when it has all those IRQ problems and is so slow? I stuck PMODEW on the thing and its much happier. -- Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. Be a happy Alpha Complex citizen. ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 17:03 EET From: (kim davies) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1443] Starplayer 2.03 released hey, hey, hey - another week, another starplayer starplayer 2.03 has: + added non-looping continuous play ability (shift function-key plays modules continuously) + added command line parameter '-d' to disable DMA sample dumping + added new cli command 'w' to write selected module to disk as .s3m (i.e. convert mods to s3ms) - decreased conventional ram overhead by reducing disk buffer size it is at and prolly soon at in australia, at extra note: i have mirrored kosmic's songs dir at the following site it's experimental, available only in australia, and has very little bandwidth :) over and out, -- ,,:::[ kim davies ]:::.. ::::::[,, 3:690/660.273@fidonet ]:::::: ::::::[ statix [oxygen/kosmic] ]:::::: '':::[ 31y50'16"S 115y46'19"E ]:::`` ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 16:56 EET From: "Steven M. Hill" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1442] Re: Cubic Player > > > > > Actually I noticed a number of play errors on XM files in Cubic. I think it > > generally doesn't hold the notes as long as it should. There were some > > minor S3M problems as well. > > What version of Cubic Player do you have?? I have v0.95, and it seems to > work fine with all my mods, including XMs! > There are still a few effects in .XM songs that Cubic seems to interpret incorrectly. Portamento values come out different, for example. It's still a cool player though. Steve thekraken ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 16:55 EET From: "Steven M. Hill" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1441] Re: Pirates > > On Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:12 EET, > Schitzo wrote: > > >> Tell me about it, I didn't even know what Alternitive was until a few > >> months ago. > >yeah and you STILL can't spell it! :) hehehe > > Very funny +=) > > >> Does that mean if I join Microsoft I can copy all the programs of theirs I > >> want? > >sure ... of course ya can ... just don't get caught!!! :) also wouldn't > >hurt if you wrote the programs yourself. > > I think everyone pirates software! I haven't met someone yet who dosen't. One of the reasons I got into Linux is the clear conscience from not having to rip off the latest version of MS whatever. Steve thekraken ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 18:29 EET From: Andrew Voss Subject: [KLF-TALK:1444] Re: BPM > Big prob here, is when you have a speed 5 tempo 125 song, the tune is > actually something like 138-140.. so it's not really accurate unless > the speed is 6.. > > basehead > And worse yet, there's no pattern to it.. 4 / 125 = about 170 bpm 5 / 125 = 143 bpm 6 / 125 = 125 bpm 7 / 125 = 113 bpm 8 / 125 = 96 bpm Although using the 1st number is a convenience, using the 2nd number for dance tracks is a must.. -av (phoenix) ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 19:12 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [KLF-TALK:1446] Re: last two kosmic releases ... On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > On Fri, 24 Feb 95 17:19 EET, > Schitzo wrote: > > >> >One local board I call has every 1995 KFMF release with the exception of > >> >Celestial Lullabye and Achaeta. Guess who uploaded them all? =) > >> :D:D > >Hey i've ul'd ALL of kosmics releases for '94 in ONE NIGHT to a local bbs > >here! ... plus i've ul'd all of '95 everytime i get a new release! :) > > Wow! Unless you used ISDN that must have been really painfull. I just > upload any new Kosmic stuff to the local boards. excuse my ignorance but what's ISDN??? ... don't think i used it cuz i don't know what it is! :) ... anyway i just called the place up at 14.4 at about 1-2am in the morning, started the ul'd and went to bed, the next morning it was done! :) ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 19:13 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1447] Re: BPM On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, South Street North Studios wrote: > Big prob here, is when you have a speed 5 tempo 125 song, the tune is > actually something like 138-140.. so it's not really accurate unless > the speed is 6.. which is why 99% of my songs are set to speed 6 :) - Dan ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 19:06 EET From: South Street North Studios Subject: [KLF-TALK:1445] Re: More bothersome file locating On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, STIMPY wrote: > -> day weren't creative? Romeo Knight? Heatbeat? These are some of the > ^^^^^^^^ > -> most breakthrough and original musicians that i've EVER heard.. on or > -> off the computer. You speak of the new RIP OFF shit which bites hard > -> off of the old school musicians.. that shit sucks. > > Speaking of which, anyone know where Heatbeat's work can be located? I > currently have Annika, Anette, StreetJungle, and Bubblegum. This is > good stuff; I assume he's written more. Filenames and FTP sites would > be great (naturally). ftp /starport/music/heatbeat basehead ----------------- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 95 19:25 EET From: Dan Subject: [KLF-TALK:1449] Re: More bothersome file locating On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, Chris Campbell wrote: > >> I found nothing in that dir. > >yeah, i know, i have to get after everyone to put their other releases > >into their artists dirs. > > Can't you just include links like Hornet does in the /demos/groups > directory? hmm, i probably could but it'd be a major nitemare. of course, it would also be really handy if you're looking for all the releases by a particular person. i'll look into it > Hmm, I found it has the most content of any other mags released lately. I that's true, and sad :) > did enjoy reading it and I'm not even done, I hope like hell Darkness > accepts me into the team. hehe, yeah it would be nice for them to have more north-americans on board! > I did like some of the articles, and a loved the music. yeah, the music was pretty good (especially basehead's tune, and zodiak's was pretty tolerable to me for demo muzak ;) > They sure can make good demos! well, that's a relative term. not to start more ridiculous arguments, but with nobody else making demos we have nothing to compare them to. i'm quite inclined to think demos could be alot better than they are today. they're way too technically-oriented; perhaps it's time for demo teams to get someone really creative who works alongside the coders and kinda plays the 'film director' role. > I hate the warez scene! They are all elitists! It's so annoying they all > think they are so "eLiTe" that they loose touch of the real world! yep, which unfortunately describes alot of the demo scene too :) > I'm sure everyone has traded games with their friend but these "I've got > tons more SiTeZ than u dood, you un-elite lamah" type people sicken me. hehe > Well I'll be voting for you on the next charts. danke much! > Why don't we change that? =) I'll put out the call on great idea, maybe people just don't vote because they don't know about it. make sure to post the voting form to the newsgroup too! > But you have an FTP site, that means the whole world can access your ware. yeah, that's the way i've been looking at it, but i'm starting to think that at least for some areas i'm wrong. as somebody mentioned the euro scene is still alot more board-centered since in some countries it's hard to get on the net etc. so i think in those countries it's a good idea for us to try and get plenty of good distro bbses. like in scandanavia i don't think we have a single distro now. > distro sites don't mean a whole lot to me at least, in a town with 5000 > people and a few small boards... yep, me neither. but they must mean something to someone: Flame, sysop of StarFire our Malaysian HQ board, had like 20-30 downloads of K-VISION.ZIP in one day after he posted a little recommendation of it on his board. That's quite a significant amount of listeners for a country that doesn't even have many modem users yet. > When I had my SB/PRO I downloaded this 28 channel techno song and it for all you people who are wondering what this could be, it's almost certainly one of inspekdah deck's big ole tunes :) > said by: KLF on it and I said "this is shit" and nooked it. Thought > nothing of it until I got on the 'net. I heard mention of KLF and thought > "oh that crappy techno group?!? Blech!" But then I downloaded your > KLF-XMAS.ZIP file and I was amazed! This isn't just techno, it's some of > best music I have heard. heheh, yeah, that's one big misconception we've been trying hard to clear up, thus far with only some luck. hmmm maybe i should shout it: THIS GROUP IS *NOT* JUST A BUNCH OF TECHNO MUSICIANS!!!! not anymore at least :) > I like almost all music except real heavy metal. I especialy really like > Mellow or anything you feel like getting up and dancing to if you know what > I mean? yep :) - Dan -----------------